Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Fountainhead.

I am going to condemn the book, and before you dismiss that as proof of Ayn Rand's theories, hear me out!

I rather liked the book when I first read it. But back then, I was young, and naive. Over the years, I have come to think of objectivism as somewhat akin to teenage philosophy. If you have lived for a while, it becomes clear that The World According to Rand is quite nonexistent. Rather than proving her theories wrong, I would like to point out here the literary failings of all her novels. The trouble with her stories (to me at least) is that all of them follow the same theme. They all have the same point to make, and it gets predictable after a book or two. Add to this, the fact that most of the stories seem contrived around the philosophy instead of the philosophy being discussed in the natural course of the story makes the storyline a lot less appealing. The characters in most of her novels are again repetitive as well as predictable to the point that any one of them might have said any of the dialogues in any of the book. I find no real distinguishing character traits in any of the characters.

Would I recommend it? I would say, if you have never tried even one book of Ayn Rand's, then go ahead, try it. A lot of people who read it for the first time like it. However, if you have read this author already, dont waste your time unless you thoroughly enjoyed the first few versions that you read.


  1. @ Neetha,

    Hey, I never liked The Fountainhead either. The only interesting thing in the book are the closing pages. Loved the way the defense was done.

    BTW, do we know each other? I'm guessing you're the same Neetha who did her Masters at IITM. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  2. I completely agree with your views on Ayn Rand. Atleast I am one of them who thinks humans can never confirm to her philosophy. I am reading Atlas Shrugged and had big trouble understanding her philosophy. I then remembered stumbling upon your post on one of her books and guess what...I posted this on fb yesterday in response to one comment. I came back here to bolster your thoughts :)

    Here is my simple view point on her book and philosophy. The book is very repetitive though. I
    Some of her points are valid but her philosophy seems too utopian for human beings. I cannot agree with her fully even though I like her reasoning in parts. Man being a social animal cannot live in the world like Atlantis. What we have now in bigger democracies like USA and India is good to be in. A socialistic society that supports capitalism.
