Saturday, April 14, 2012

Women and the weight loss Tamasha

My brother in law recommended this book, thats why I decided to read it - I think it was a good read, not because of the dietary suggestions she makes - I know I will never be able to eat every 2 hours or in as small portions that she recommends. What I did like was the fact that she stresses that women should take care of their health. That, I agree with. I have watched my mother neglect herself while she took a lot of care of my father. It is only in the later years when she realized that her health had deteriorated that she started exercising and watching what she ate. So in that sense, I think the book is great - it even suggests that it is acceptable for women to cook and eat the food that they feel like eating even if no one else wants to eat it. That is another thing I have never seen my mother do. She always makes something that one of us wants to eat, I have rarely seen her make something because she liked it. I think it is important for women to consider themselves as being as important as everyone else in a family and take care of the kind of things they like to do too - so if this is a popular book, that is an achievement in itself - it means women in India are getting more conscious of their health, which is a always a good thing. She also talks about various diseases that women in India have because they neglect themselves so much. That was quite an eye opener for me. Would I recommend reading it? Yep. Read it so you at least realize it is important to take care of yourself, if you are a woman.