Friday, February 12, 2010

Can anyone parse out the likes for me?

This is not a post on books. But it is a post on language and its usage. I am no expert, but even someone as bad as I cannot help but notice some things that happen in conversations today.

My problem is with the use of "like". When I was in college, I had this lecturer who used to say "so" whenever he had trouble finding an appropriate word. His sentences usually used to go "So The unix shell so  has so a set of variables so so called environment variables. So these variables so can be set  so ..."

Well... you get the idea. The classes were boring, and sometimes we spent our time counting how many so's he said in one class.

These days I spend my time counting how many "likes" someone says in a sentence. Someone in one of the classes I go to was saying : " So, like, why is that, like, value, like, 3R + 3S, and, not like, 4R + 4S"?

 God save me!