Thursday, January 14, 2010

Life of Pi

It took me unusually long to get interested in this book. Usually when I start reading something, I know within about half an hour or so whether or not I will finish it. With this one, I couldnt see where things were going - the only thing that kept me going was Piscine Patel's love for religion. Some of his arguments were interesting, so I read on.

I am glad I did. It is a well written book (although it is something you sort of realise only midway through the book) that almost makes you believe an outrageous story that Piscine narrates. Piscine Patel apparently spends 227 days at sea on a life boat with a tiger on board. The success of his narration is in the details. Towards the end of the story, the narrator has somehow established so much credibility that one is even ready to believe in carnivorous islands.

The book has a nice ending. In fact, it surprises you, and you start wondering why you could not have figured it all out earlier... However, the "real" story is so gruesome that there is no way you are going to be able to read the whole thing a second time..

Definitely a must read. Also, definitely something that should be read only once.