Friday, July 8, 2016

Elon Musk

Interesting read. Elon Musk's story reads similar to that of Steve Jobs; its surprising how similar their lives look if you overlook the fact that they made entirely different products. Steve Jobs set out to make a dent in the universe and really excelled at it, and Elon Musk, although I did not read anywhere in the book that he wanted to make a "dent in the universe" does pretty much the same thing. Their personalities seem slightly different, with Jobs appearing to be the more emotionally unstable one.

However there is one part about Elon Musk that I find kind of funny - that he is really that serious about colonizing Mars. Dont get me wrong - its great that he wants to do that and he is forward looking etc... and it is opening up new frontiers in space technology that the government agencies simply could not have accomplished. However, the goal itself seems a bit - I dont know the best way to put it - childish, maybe?

And the fact that he talks about Asimov's stories as an influence - again, I think some part of him never grew up. I love Asimov's stories, but I would never make it my life's mission to make some of that come true. In my mind there is a line between Asimov's world, which I label as "fiction" and my world, which I label as "real". Somehow I never think of mixing the two up. I dont even think I would like to mix the two up.

I suppose people who invent something new mix their imaginary world with the real one. Perhaps the world moves forward  because of people who mix their imaginary world with the real one?

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